James had moved to Los Angeles, CA in May, 2010 to be closer to his daughter and son-in-law.  The intent was to live with them so they could take care of him and manage his health and well being. In the presence of divine perfection, it turned out that James preferred to live alone as he was strong-willed, independent and enjoyed his quality of life on his own.  He sold his house in Toronto and bought a house in Los Angeles, where he spent most of his time in Southern California living in. As time went on, and his health slowly deteriorated, he had caregivers be with him for 8 hours per day, helping him with day-to-day tasks. 

One day, his health deteriorated to the point where he could no longer live on his own. After some time in the hospital, he moved into a board and care facility in Orange County, California where he was cared for 24/7. His dementia was fast-developing and he often didn't remember simple things like speaking english (he would often revert to speaking in his native tongue of Tagalog), and even recognizing familiar faces, like that of his daughter, son-in-law and other friends and family. 

Eventually, his health declined rapidly, and over a period of 3-4 months, his loved ones prepared for the completion of his life. 

On May 12, 2017, James completed his life on earth peacefully in the emergency room of St. Jude's Medical Center in Fullerton, CA, with his daughter and son-in-law at his bedside. 

James led a full life, and made a significant difference in the world. He was cremated on May 20th, 2017 and a memorial service was held in his honor in Anaheim, California. 

The family is planning for a 2nd memorial service in Toronto, Canada in the weeks to come.  Please stay tuned for a date.

Below is a video of part of the service, as well as some photos captured by the attendees.